Rishi Shipping is the pioneer in introducing floating Crane operation and handling of gearless Panamax, mini Cape and Cape size vessels in Kandla Outer anchorage. Rishi Shipping owns Two Nos of World class, state of the art Liebherr Cranes. So far in a year Rishi Shipping has handled more than 5 million MT of cargo using this Floating cranes. Rishi Shipping the first company to get a ten year license to operate the Floating cranes in Kandla Port. Bulk Cargo like Coal and Fertilizer the main cargo items to being handled at present in addition to a small volume of Salt. The success of the Floating crane operation has earned acclaims from the ministry of Shipping and the Govt of India is keen to replicate the combination of floating cranes and barges for handling deep draft vessels in Indian Ports without spending huge amount on dredging and maintenance of Channel and basins in the major ports. Rishi Shipping is in the process of acquiring Two more cranes and hiring the cranes to give highest output comparable to deep draft ports of the country.